Handcrafted Olivewood from The Holy Land
These beautiful pieces are hand-carved by craftsmen in the Bethlehem and Jerusalem area. They are made from olivewood from The Holy Land.

Austin Pro Video specializes in product marketing videography and photography. We use the latest cameras and motion capture control system to create high-quality dynamic moves.
Our studio is housed with a variety of professional lighting and production gear which allows us to capture beautiful videos and images.
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About My Bethlehem Crafts…
As some of you know, the Holy Land has olivewood trees that date back to Jesus’ time. Local Christian artists purchase the olivewood tree trimmings from local farmers to carve these beautiful pieces. The olive tree is considered a holy tree in the Holy Land and people only trim the trees, for healthier growth. Since olivewood is considered an exotic wood from the rich grain, it’s in high demand in the Holy Land with its limited resources. Pricing is usually dictated by the quality of the carving and the size of the logs used. Since olive trees take a long time to grow, the younger trees will have smaller limbs and little to no grain. As they age, they start to produce the grain, so the more grain you see in a piece, that is an indication of an older tree.
Click the link for more information on My Bethlehem Crafts.
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